Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

URL encoder and decoder tool are used to encode or decode a string of text. Certain Characters are encoded in a URL which are replaced by “%” character and two hexadecimal digits. The process involves the following steps:

  • It uses UTF-8 encoding to convert the character string into bytes.
  • Each byte is converted into % and hexadecimal condition being applies is that the byte should not be ASCII letter.

URL encoding is also known as “percent encoding”. It is used within the Uniform Resource Identifier that includes Uniform Resource locator and Uniform Resource Name.

Features of URL Encoder/Decoder

  • If you are using textual data, you require to specify the character set that was used during the encoding process. Generally, it is UTF-8 but chance is there it can be others also.
  • The encoded data comprises of text that is continuous in nature therefore even the new line is converted into encoded format. If you have data that you want to decode and contain separated by line break, then there is an option available for this task.
  • The tool is safe and easy to use.
  • Converts the URL in accepted format for all web browsers.
  • Characters allowed in this tool either belong to reserved category or unreserved category. Reserved characters are characters that have special meaning while unreserved characters are character that have no meaning and belong to general text.

Why do we need URL encoding/decoding?

When the data of the forms are submitted and is send to the sever in the HTTP request either through method GET or POST. The encoding that is used by default is URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) percent encoding.

When the data is sent in HTTP GET request, then the encoded data is included in query component and if the data is sent in HTTP POST, the encoded data is placed in the body of the message.

Conversion of a long arrangement of characters involving numerals, alphabets, punctuations, specific symbols, etc., to a pre-determined format for transmission or storage of data is called encoding. On the contrary, decoding is just the reverse of encoding. These processes usually occur during data communications, storage, and networking. Depending on the type of URL you entered, i.e., encoded or decoded, the “URL Encoder and Decoder” will swiftly deliver you encoded or decoded version of the URL as per your need. While you can manually try encoding and decoding by looking up the characters and their encoded form, it is an unbelievably tedious task that requires a lot of time. Hence, it is wiser to use the tool as mentioned earlier to get the results swiftly.